For Patients

Sclerotherapy of spider veins

Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment option that involves injecting a chemical solution into the veins to make them collapse. Because the veins can no longer carry blood, they will eventually disappear. The work of carrying the blood is shifted to other healthy veins nearby, improving venous circulation.

Sclerotherapy of spider veins

Sclerotherapy requires multiple sessions, since one to three injections are usually required to effectively seal the veins. Ten to 40 veins may be treated in one session. The same area should not be injected for four to six weeks to allow for complete healing, although other areas may be treated during this time.

The only discomfort during sclerotherapy is the sensation of small needle pricks. For two to four weeks after treatment, you will wear medical-grade support stockings. Walking and moderate exercise also can help speed recovery. Temporary reactions to the treatment might include slight swelling of the leg or foot, minor bruising, itching, redness, or mild soreness. Rare complications include telangiectatic matting (new, tiny blood vessels), skin ulcerations, and brown pigmentation around the treated vessels.

Once treated, the veins disappear over a period of six months and do not recur. However, sclerotherapy treatment cannot stop new varicose or spider veins from developing.

Our specialist doctors are dedicated to providing effective treatment for venous or arterial conditions and giving you back your confidence and wellbeing.